






  研究生院副院长唐盛景教授作为学校教师代表在开幕式上致辞,对前来参加本次活动的各位同学表示热烈欢迎。来自材料学院的巴基斯坦籍博士生萨伊德(SHAH SYED KHALID MEHMOOD)作为学生代表发言,他非常感谢国家留学基金委和北理工提供这次机会让政府奖学金生能够更加深入地了解中国、感知中国,并同大家分享了自己博士研究生期间的学习和生活体会。机械与车辆学院副院长宫琳老师以“Technology in China”为主题,为大家做了一场精彩的科技讲座。讲座从中国古代科技讲到近现代的科技发展状况,重点介绍了北理工近年来取得的辉煌成就,通过生动的事例和幽默的语言感染了现场的每一位听众,赢得了阵阵掌声。讲座结束后,宫老师与现场学生就科技发展与环境保护等热点问题进行了深入探讨和互动交流。







  附件:光电学院博一学生Khan Abbas Ahmad(艾哈迈德)活动感言

  《Knowing China-China Science and Technology innovation andChinese culture Experience》

  Knowing China-China Science and Technology innovation andChinese culture Experience

  Khan Abbas Ahmad ( 艾哈迈德),

  School of Optoelectronics,

  Optical Engineering, 1 st Year

  When I was eleven years old I decided to challenge conventional notions of the human limit by flying through a glass window. The impetus was Superman, whose exploits on television had induced my experiment. Four stitches and thirteen years later, while I no longer attempt to be stronger than steel or faster than a speeding bullet, Beijing Institute of Technology gives me chance to fly again by arranging such a wonderful activity. First of all I thanks to Beijing Institute of Technology and China Scholarship Council for arranging such a wonderful activity for the students. Saint Augustine said that “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” So Beijing Institute of technology gives us the chance to read the Book. It will be ever memorable journey for me. The activities include Topic lecture, Exhibition of BIT electric vehicles, Enterprise Visits, “San Shao” culture experience museum visit and Acrobatics show.

  Acrobatic show is one of the Best ever activity I have ever seen. Everything is perfectand accurate. I had a mental image of them standing there, wearing ragged clothes, looking uponus as intruders in their world. We would invade their territory only to take pictures and observethem like tourists. That’s the all that we done with them.

  Although it is also a Science and Technology Visit, we visited an exhibition ofBIT electric vehicles, it feels good to see the technology, a volunteer Mr. Asad explains thewhole technology to us. All the people there are very experienced in their work.

  For more knowledge about science and Technology, Our journey went towardsVStartup. After watching this it seems like that all the technology of world gathered at one place.I really enjoyed the Virtual World. The Robotics technology, 3D printing and Super computerTechnologies are also very good. The environment of that place was excellent. All the employeesand staff were very cooperative, they explain us everything very precisely. I am thankful to all ofthem for such a nice cooperation.

  In this entire journey how can I forget the Food. it is stated that “The Belly rulesthe mind.” The food arrangements were brilliant and food tastes are very delicious, specially thelaunch at Huating Xiaolou. The way they cook and the way they serve was very good. But theexperience to cook by ourselves is always amazing. That’s why cooking experience at San ShaoCulture Experience Museum was Excellent. Laiko Bahrs said that “When baking, followdirections. When cooking, go by your own taste.” So follow directions was the great experience.So that I thanks to all the staff who help us to baked the rolls. I also want to thanks my motherwho teaches me how to bake and cook something so it was not so much hard for me to makebaked rolls.

  It is saying that if you want to destroy a nation than destroy their culture. It’s avery good experience for me to know about the Chinese Culture. Culture always attracts thepeople and this is the way to show your Culture to the other world. I am very thankful to BITwho introduce us to Chinese Culture. After visiting the Museum, now I am more curious aboutthe Chinese Culture.

  “Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder.” You know that what I am talking about?Yes, I am talking about Beijing Yanjing Beer. I am feeling very proud that I visited ChinaNumber one beer industry. Their setup of manufacturing beer was very neat and clean. Theexperience to taste the beer was also very good. So now I can say that I taste the Chinanumberone Beer.

  I am very thankful to China Scholarship Council and I am also very to thankful to all theChinese people whom I meet during this journey. Now I can easily say that Chinese people are verykind hearted and very helpful.

  My Best wishes are always with China and all the People of China.

  In the end I am very thankful to Beijing Institute of Technology all my teachersand organizers for arranging such a wonderful and Excellent activity for us. I am thankful toLaoshi Chen Hui, Laoshi Zheng ye, Laoshi kangbingxin and Laoshi May Niu and all otherTeachers. All of you are very cooperative. Without all of you this can never be happen. Onceagain thanks to all of you for arranging such a activity for us.
